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Awarded to music majors who show excellence in required studies. (GPA 2.5 and above)

 Must utilize their musical gifts for the church and community.

*Final scholarship selections will be made at the discretion of BMATC.



Workshops are planned and implemented periodically for the purpose of exchanging knowledge, enhancing skills and improving techniques.  Workshops are designed to ignite a "hunger and thirst" for improved musicianship.



The schedule of the BMATC is filled with a combination of workshops, hymn sessions, opportunities for vocal training, a kaleidoscope of musical celebratory services, and a collection of association meetings.



Upon request, through our database of musicians and local churches, the BMATC is able to provide information to fill vacancies for various music staff positions. This service connects the musician with the pastor/church constituents.

BMATC 2023 Scholarship Recipients

Sch. Recipient 2023-Miran Pinkston.jpg
Scholarship Recipient-Isaiah Phillips.jpg


YAMM - Young Adult Music Ministry, is a sector of BMATC that serves as a support group to inspire young people to continue development of their musical skills. Through basic knowledge of the legacy of gospel music, a solid foundation for appropriate WORSHIP will be established; and total PRAISE will follow.

The BMATC encourages our youth to embrace traditional music as a foundation to develop a meaningful relationship with God through His word.

Various functions are at the forefront for generating the interest of the young music minds of today. Plans include a ‘music jam set’, musicals inclusive of youth clinicians, youth workshops, participation with other musicians’ association programs, and the opportunity to learn techniques and strategies from experienced musicians.

It’s about God, knowledge, growth, and youth!


BMATC Mission


To foster a spirit of fellowship and cooperation among black church musicians, directors,

and instrumentalist who are actively working or retired in the field of music.
To preserve the work and memory of former instrumentalists, directors, and vocalists who had worked in churches in Tarrant County.
To develop and fund scholarships targeting talented and worthy students matriculating in related fields of study.
To serve as a resource network for the advancement of all genres of church music and foster performances representative of sound principles and give significant support to many musicians who bring respect to the culture, history, and tradition in music.

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